QEM2017 > Sponsors

Delta Microscopies Delta Microscopies
Delta Microscopies provides a lot of preparation systems and tools for Electron Microscopy. They will prepare some surprises for you.
NION will help us to organize a live demo from the SuperSTEM during QEM time. Many Thanks!!
JEOL will install a F2 microscope for all QEM duration ! Many Thanks !
FEI Company FEI Company
FEI will install (at least) a Talos for all QEM time !
We will have a lot of things from GATAN around there : GIF Quantum, One View Camera, Digital Micrograph with various plugins (and versions), a PIPS 2,...
HREM Research HREM Research
HREM Research will provide all of his DM plugins for the whole school durantion.
DENS Solutions DENS Solutions
DENS Solutions will provide us at least one sample holder for our practical sessions.
Protochips Protochips
Protochips will (with the essential help of EDEN Instruments) provide us a sample holder for in-situ experiment in liquids. Many Thanks !
Elsevier Elsevier
Elsevier will provide to all attendees of QEM a free access to all its Microscopy related catalog during the whole school time.
Our Joint excellence lab from Toulouse will support us for the QEM organisation . Many Thanks.
The French microscopy Society is the first institution to help us in QEM organisation, thanks to them !
Région Occitanie Région Occitanie
The new Region Occitanie is @ the macroscale of QEM2017, joining Toulouse for the organization and Montpellier for the location. Many thanks for its support !
Nanosciences Foundation Nanosciences Foundation
Nanosciences Foundation in Grenoble is aiming at understanding and modeling matter at the nanoscale and thus is involved in QEM2017. Many thanks for its support!
EMS (European Microscopy Society) EMS (European Microscopy Society)
European Microscopy Society is sponsoring QEM for the 4th time! Thanks to them.
European Network for Electron Microscopy was the initiator of all previous QEM edition, we will work without such a network that time (ESTEEM2 ends in October 2016), but we grateful thanks all people in that network who made such a school possible... ... and especially Etienne !
French national research agency
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